Welcome to Corpay
Cross-Border Solutions
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Over our long history, we have been a smart, reliable provider of comprehensive and fully integrated cross-border payments and currency risk management solutions.
Now, we are proud to be a preferred provider of FX risk management and global payments for Seafood Industry Australia and their members.
Learn more, during a free consultation!
Industry Solutions
Currency Risk Management
Market Intelligence
Payment Technologies
We're known for our world-class trading operation, bespoke suite of solutions, award-winning technology, and exemplary service.
Our innovative industry-specific solutions are designed to address your particular needs, allowing you to focus on new opportunities.
We work with you to identify and manage your currency exposures, so you can implement a scalable strategy to meet your specific goals.
We're sensitive to trends in global FX markets, and keep you informed and on top of markets, helping you stay up to date with regular commentary.
“Cambridge Global Payments” and “AFEX” are trading names that may be used for the international payment solutions and risk management solutions provided by certain affiliated entities using the brand “Corpay”. International payment solutions are provided in Australia through Cambridge Mercantile (Australia) Pty. Ltd.; in Canada through Cambridge Mercantile Corp.; in Switzerland through Associated Foreign Exchange (Schweiz) AG; in the United Kingdom through Cambridge Mercantile Corp. (UK) Ltd.; in Ireland and the European Economic Area on a cross-border basis through Associated Foreign Exchange Ireland Ltd.; in Jersey and the Channel Islands through AFEX Offshore Ltd.; in Singapore through Associated Foreign Exchange (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. and in the United States through Cambridge Mercantile Corp. (U.S.A.). Risk management solutions are provided in in Australia through Cambridge Mercantile (Australia) Pty. Ltd.; in Canada through Cambridge Mercantile Corp.; in the United Kingdom through Cambridge Mercantile Risk Management (UK) Ltd.; in Ireland and the European Economic Area on a cross-border basis through AFEX Markets Europe Ltd.; in Jersey and the Channel Islands through AFEX Offshore Ltd.; in Singapore through Associated Foreign Exchange (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. and in the United States through Cambridge Mercantile Corp. (U.S.A.). Please refer to http://cross-border.corpay.com/brochure-disclaimers for important terms and information regarding this brochure.
Why Choose Corpay Cross-Border
Why Choose
Cross-Border Solutions
What our Customers Say
Veronica Papacosta
Chief Executive Officer | SIA
SIA is pleased to announce Corpay as a preferred partner of the Australian seafood industry. SIA is continually looking for opportunities to bring value to our members through productive partnerships that provide solutions to enhance their business operations. Corpay’s industry-leading technologies have the ability to simplify the way Australian seafood businesses connect with the global marketplace, and we look forward to working with them.
SIA is pleased to announce Corpay as a preferred partner of the Australian seafood industry. SIA is continually looking for opportunities to bring value to our members through productive partnerships that provide solutions to enhance their business operations. Corpay’s industry-leading technologies have the ability to simplify the way Australian seafood businesses connect with the global marketplace, and we look forward to working with them.